More About Shawnte

Explanation of Modalities
Modalities Shawnte Posley Modalities Shawnte Posley

Explanation of Modalities

My distinctive counseling process utilizes Motivational Interviewing (MI) to explore areas for improvement and goal-setting, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to identify, challenge, and redirect unhelpful patterns and beliefs, and Brainspotting to release unresolved emotions and traumas.

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Areas of Expertise—Explained
Specialties Shawnte Posley Specialties Shawnte Posley

Areas of Expertise—Explained

I specialize in treating anxiety, with emphasis on stressors derived from childhood family trauma. I am motivated to support individuals battling substance abuse, particularly alcohol and marijuana, as well as assisting with identity-related concerns. In addition to these focus areas, I work with clients who struggle with adjustment, assertiveness, boundaries, communication skills, self-esteem, and social skills.

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